Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will my child get to play with baby goats?
Yes, they will!

2. Will my child interact with other animals?
Absolutely! They’ll get to meet and interact with bunnies, chickens, ducks, and critters such as lizards, turtles, frogs and tortoises.

3. What other activities will my child do at camp beside animal interaction?
In addition to learning about and playing with animals, campers will enjoy games, arts and crafts, team-building activities and water games.

4. Does my child need prior experience with animals?
No prior experience is necessary! Our Camp is designed to be fun and educational for kids of all levels of familiarity with animals.

5. What safety measures are in place for interacting with the animals?
We have trained staff supervising all animal interactions and we teach campers how to safely and respectfully handle and interact with each animal.

6. What if my child is nervous around animals?
Our staff is experienced in helping children feel comfortable around animals. We take things slowly and make sure each child feels safe and supported.

7. What happens if it rains?
We have plenty of indoor activities planned, so the fun will continue rain or shine!

8. Is there a dress code at camp?
Yes, we recommend wearing comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing that can get dirty or wet, along with closed-toe shoes such as tennis shoes or crocs for safety.

9. What should my child bring to camp each day?
Campers should bring a small backpack each day with their bathing suit and a towel, bug spray, sunscreen, small necklace fan (Optional), sunglasses(Optional), and a hat (Optional). They should also bring a sack lunch each day along with 2 snacks or money to purchase snacks at the camp store. They will not need to bring a water bottle because one
will be given to them.

10. How does the Camp Store work?
Parents can bring cash on the first day of camp. We recommend $20 to $25 per camper. The money goes into the camper’s store account and each day the child can purchase a snack such as: chips, granola bars, fruit, candy, ice cream or ice pops. Other items for sale in the Camp Store are: Camp T-shirts, Camp hats, Camp stickers, stuff animals, animal necklaces and bracelets. Parents are welcome to visit the Camp Store at the end of each camp day.

11. Are there any special events during the camp?
Yes, we have special themed days and activities planned, such as dress-up days, Carnival Days, and every Friday is a talent show that the parents are invited to attend.